Ontech Electric Corporation

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Ontech Electric Corporation sponsored and participated US-China Green Energy Council Summit

Article Source:PoweredPopularity:3035issuing time:2016-07-27 18:33:44SmallInLarge

US-China Green Energy Summit Roundtable Forum was successfully held at Stanford University Faculty Club on July 14, 2016.

Ontech Electric Corporation sponsored and participated UCGEC Forum on July 14, 2016.

US-China Green Energy Council (UCGEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Federal and California governments and based in Silicon Valley.

The mission of UCGEC is to promote and strengthen U.S. and China collaboration in Green Energy by facilitating high impact

clean-tech collaborative initiatives and projects between the U.S. and China and serving as a platform for the integration of policy,

business, investment, and R&D projects for the two countries

During the 2016 UCGEC Summit, Ontech Electric Corporation was not only a sponsor, but also a participant.  Ontech showed its latest innovation DC power system with parallel batteries.

Let’s see what new features of the products.

Ontech DC power system employs parallel-battery design. Single battery is checked automatically in energized state for capacity, and it realizes maintenance-free DC power. System reliability will not be affected by the failure of a single battery. The system supports new & old batteries of different brands to be used and mixed up.

Wish U.S. and China  will have a good collaboration in Green Energy in the near future!

Article Keywords:DC power system

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